My story (Anja Tegelskär) did not start too long ago. Well, I mean a part already started when I was 3 years old and my dad taught me skiing back in Switzerland. But, the real dream and passion kicked in during the pandemic. More precisely, the first time I visited Åre and got sucked into the world of Skitouring. Oh my, it was love at first sight and I fell hard for the sport, irretrievably hooked. Something was awoken, something was buzzing and burning, I just knew that I wanted to completely immerse myself into this newly found passion, and in one way or another I wanted to work with Skitouring. 
Pass forward to last year where I felt stuck in my 9-5 job. I knew I urgently needed to make a change. This change translated into a 1 year remote-study course at a "folkhögskola" in Stockholm. This study has allowed me become more flexible in my life and enjoy some travelling. Which I did. During the course curriculum last year in October we covered a wide range of subjects, including- Photoshop, Lightroom and Sport Photography. Let me just tell you, it clicked and it was an aha moment. I suddenly knew that I want to be working as a sport/adventure photographer. Since summer 2023 I am realising my dream to become professional commercial photographer nowhere less then at the fotoskolan STHLM. So now I am in the middle of learning the skills necessary to achieve at my dream profession. So, that´s where I am currently at!
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